The fresh water well(s) that OGI uses to provide water to the resort is not producing enough to meet demand. Recently, OGI has been turning off water to various facilities, usually without notice. For example, at the time of this writing on Oct 14, 2023 OGI has turned the water off to the Marina bathhouse. This was done without advance notice. The marina is owned and operated by IGY Marinas. IGY owns the marina up to the gate but facilities such as the bathhouse are owned by OGI. Tenants at the marina pay IGY slip rental and fees that cover access to facilities such as the bathhouse. Therefore marina tenants are now paying IGY for services that are unavailable.
OPINION: The high tourism season is just starting at Red Frog. Sadly, the infrastructure can no longer support increased load on power, water and sewer systems. In our opinion OGI is heading into a financial death spiral and bankruptcy is just around the corner.